pacman, rainbows, and roller s

do and donts in browsing the internet
credits to the authors:

Seated comfortably in your
office chair with your cup of
coffee in the one hand and your
mouse in the other - it's amazing
how convenient the click of a
button can be for Internet
banking and grocery shopping.
But many of us still ask how
secure are my online
transactions? Are my personal
details protected? Is it safe to
use my credit card on this site?
There is no reason why you
should be afraid of transacting
online. However, you should be
vigilant and make security a
priority. In doing so, you will
eliminate the threats of cyber
crime and enjoy a safe online
So let's examine some of these
criminal online motivated threats
to ensure you can correctly
identify potential cyber attacks
and be vigilant to these.
Possessing knowledge of these
threats coupled with a trusted
security software protection on
your PC and of course visiting
trusted and secure Web sites
(particularly when purchasing
goods) will ensure that you do
not become a victim of cyber
Some of the most common cyber
threats include identity theft,
fraud, hacking and viruses. There
are certain actions to help you
maintain your online security and
recognise, avoid and report
criminal online activity, which
The Dos:
1.Do use a secure browser to
help guard the security of your
information as it is transmitted
to a Web site.
2. Do choose complicated
passwords and not the normal
birthdays or pet names. Change
your passwords regularly.
3. Do verify the site's privacy
policy before providing any
personal and/or financial
4. Do have a look at disclosures
around the Web site's refund
and shipping policies before
purchasing items.
5. Do contact the company when
you're not sure about their
terms and conditions.
6. Do install an effective anti-
virus software program.
7. Do update your software
8. Do activate a firewall and
make sure it is active at all times
when transacting.
9. Do keep record of all your
online transactions.
10. Do review your monthly
credit card and bank statements
to spot errors or unauthorised
11. Do trust your common sense
and rather be safe than sorry.
12. Do report problems
immediately to the company on
whose site you are transacting
And now for the Don'ts:
1. Don't select the option on Web
browsers for saving or
remembering user names and
2. Don't do transactions like
banking on a computer you're
not familiar with (such as
computers at Internet café).
Strangers use those computers
and may download software that
can be harmful to the next user.
3. Don't disclose personal
information, which includes:
telephone number, bank details
and physical address, unless you
know who is collecting the
information, why they are
collecting it and how they will
use it
4.Don't give payment information
to businesses you don't know or
trust. Only provide such
information when appropriate -
like an order form for instance
5. Don't give you password or
payment information to anyone
online - not even your Internet
Service Provider.
6. Don't download files sent to
you by strangers or open
hyperlink from people you do not
know. Opening such a file could
expose your system to a
computer virus or a program
that could hijack your modem
7. Don't open junk mail (usually
described as any e-mail received
where you are not sure of the
source/origin) or unsubscribe to
it. Rather delete it immediately.
On this point it is very important
to note that cyber criminals use
many ploys with junk mail
intended to lure you (or
children) to open the mail so it
might have 'too good to be true'
promotions etc - just delete
these mails!
These may seem like many things
to remember, but being vigilant
could save you from having your
personal details stolen and used
to open fake clothing accounts
or for even money laundering.
When you look at it that way,
taking heed of and implementing
security steps is really not that
much of a mission at all.

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